

A Sticky Situation Solved

FurGrip is an innovative solution to a common pet owner’s problem: pet hair clinging to clothes. This unique accessory, a sticky material placed in the washer or dryer, traps unwanted fur. Importantly, FurGrip is reusable, and the recent FurGrip 2.0 boasts even greater durability, reducing landfill waste.

Furgrip Dogs Hair Removal
Washing Machine Dog

The Challenge: Keeping Up with Cosy

Challenge: Balancing Speed and Cost

FurGrip, a growing brand with a promising product, prioritizes fast shipping and happy customers. However, as a small, affordable item, balancing fast shipping with costs proved challenging. That’s where their partnership came in.

Solution: Shipping Efficiency and Smart Technology

The company’s expertise in shipping helped FurGrip achieve “shipping utopia” – faster and cheaper deliveries. Through minor packaging adjustments, FurGrip qualified for a more cost-effective Royal Mail service. Committed to customer satisfaction, FurGrip passed on the shipping savings to their customers.

Results: Accuracy Under Pressure

Technology Ensures Stock Availability

With demand soaring, FurGrip needed tight inventory control. The Green Portal, an award-winning technology platform, provided the solution. FurGrip used the Green Portal to schedule product reorders based on stock projections, ensuring their customers never faced stockouts.

Supporting Brand Expansion

FurGrip’s success with their hair removal product fostered a loyal customer base. So, it was no surprise that their new pet care products were well-received by existing customers, attracting new ones as well. Green Fulfilment seamlessly onboarded the new product lines, maintaining an impressive 99.99% order accuracy.

Positive Outcome

FurGrip boasts thousands of satisfied customers who use their product regularly. They’ve transformed from a single-product company to a global shipper. Their partnership with Green Fulfilment made this growth smooth and hassle-free.

Sticky Solution, Happy Customers

FurGrip’s reusable pet hair remover tackles a common problem with a sustainable design (FurGrip 2.0). Their focus on fast shipping and happy customers is a winning combination.

Shipping Efficiency & Smart Stock Control

Partnering with a fulfilment company allowed FurGrip to achieve faster, cheaper deliveries through packaging adjustments and leverage technology for accurate stock management, ensuring no stockouts.

Loyal Customers & Brand Expansion

FurGrip’s success with their core product led to a loyal customer base. They seamlessly expanded their pet care product line while maintaining exceptional order accuracy, thanks to their fulfilment partner.