A nurdle is a bead of pure plastic and billions of these tiny plastic pellets are floating in the ocean, causing as much damage as oil spills, yet they’re still
Plastic Free July – Workplace Procurement
Here at Green Fulfilment, our team are on our own educational journey with best environmental practises and in this blog we’re sharing some of the practises we are introducing. Starting
Plastic Free July and Bubble Wrap
Here at Green Fulfilment, we are committed to reducing our reliance on single-use plastic all year and as Plastic Free July approaches we’re considering how we use Bubble Wrap. Each
Plastic Free July: Single-use Plastic Coffee Cups
At Green Fulfilment, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices. One area we are focussing on is the reduction of single-use plastic and encouraging our
World Oceans Day
World Oceans Day, 8th June. This is a day to celebrate the ocean and to raise awareness about ethical and sustainable ways to use its resources. The theme for World
The Plastic Packaging Tax
What does the Plastic Packaging Tax means for your business? As of the first of April, the Plastic Packaging Tax applies to finished plastic packaging manufactured in, or imported into,
Good News from Tesco, Bad News for Sainsbury’s
Plastic packaging is in the news pretty much every week and we are committed to reducing our reliance on single-use plastic packaging. We make sure we keep tabs on the